Lil’ Iguana’s Leaf Spikes Activity

The colors are changing in trees all around New England. Before you throw away those leaves, Lil’ Iguana has a fun coloring and craft for your little ones this autumn. Collect mainly yellow leaves for the most accurate Lil’ Ig head spike color.

  1. Gather only small leaves for Lil’ Iguana’s spikes.
  2. Use glue or tape for spots where spikes go onto Lil’ Ig’s head.
  3. Place desired leaves at each spot.
  4. Color the Lil’ Iguana’s head or leave blank.
  5. If you don’t want to color in Lil’ Ig’s head, you can also print out the colored version below.

Make sure to share your artwork using #liliguanafun

Download this Craft!

Don’t have this craft yet? Order it in one of Lil’ Iguana’s Safety & Well-Being focused activity boxes.  

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