Teaching Kids About Strangers for a Safe Back-to-School Season

Lil' Iguana's Tip of the Week

As we gear up for the back-to-school season, it’s crucial to revisit important safety lessons with our children. 

This week’s tip focuses on a vital topic: understanding who a stranger is and how to identify one.

Why This Lesson is Important

With kids returning to school, they will encounter new faces daily. Ensuring they understand who is a stranger and how to handle interactions with unfamiliar people is essential for their safety.

This knowledge helps children navigate their environments confidently and securely.

Lil’ Iguana’s “Who is a Stranger?” lesson offers a simple yet effective way to teach this concept.


Understanding Who is a Stranger

Lil’ Iguana teaches a stranger is anyone you do not have permission to go with right then, even if it is someone you know.

This means that a person can be familiar to your child but still be considered a stranger if they haven’t been given specific permission by the adult in charge.


Key Points to Teach Your Child

  1. Permission is Crucial: Every time your child wants to go somewhere or do something, they need to get permission from the adult in charge. This ensures that the adult knows exactly who your child is with and where they are going.

  2. Ask and Get a Clear Yes: Emphasize the importance of looking the adult in charge directly in the eyeballs and asking for permission. They should receive a clear “yes” before going anywhere with someone.


Role-Playing Scenarios

To help your child understand and remember this lesson, try role-playing different scenarios. For example:

  • A neighbor they know offers them a ride home from school.
  • A parent of a friend invites them over for a playdate.
  • A coach or teacher asks them to come to an after-school activity.

In each scenario, practice asking for permission from the adult in charge and ensuring they get a clear “yes.”


Reinforcing the Lesson

To make learning about strangers and safety more engaging, use Lil’ Iguana’s educational music and videos. These resources can help reinforce the message in a fun and memorable way.

Additionally, check out Lil’ Iguana’s printable worksheets and activities to further support your child’s understanding.


Back-to-School Safety

As we prepare for the back-to-school season, let’s ensure our children are equipped with the knowledge to stay safe.

By teaching them who a stranger is and the importance of asking for permission, we can give them the confidence to navigate their daily routines safely.

Remember, safety first! Let’s make this school year a safe and successful one for all our children.

Be Smart, Stay Safe!

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