Get Permission!

Lil' Iguana's Tip of the Week

As we gear up for another exciting school year, one vital lesson for parents to instill in their children is the importance of getting permission.

Teaching your child to seek permission ensures their safety and fosters a sense of responsibility. Let’s dive into how you can effectively teach this essential skill as they head back to school.

What Does Getting Permission Mean?

At its core, getting permission means receiving a clear YES from the adult in charge before doing something or going somewhere. This simple act is crucial for keeping your child safe, whether they are at home or at school.

How to Teach Your Child to Get Permission

  1. Make Eye Contact: Teach your child the importance of looking the adult in charge right in the EYEBALLS when asking for permission. This helps ensure that the adult is paying attention and can hear what they are saying.

  2. Ask Clearly: While making eye contact, encourage your child to ASK the adult in charge directly. They might say something like, “Can I go outside to play?” or “Can I hang out with my friends after school?” This straightforward approach helps them communicate effectively.

  3. Understanding the Rules: Explain that they should always ask for permission before going anywhere with anyone. This includes friends, family members, or even familiar faces. Emphasize that even if they know the person well, they should still check in with the adult in charge.

  4. Who Is the Adult in Charge? Help your child identify the adults responsible for their safety at school. This includes teachers, school nurses, and administrative staff. Remind them that these adults are there to help, so they should feel comfortable approaching them whenever they need permission.

  5. Practice Scenarios: Role-playing can be a fun and effective way to reinforce this lesson. Set up different scenarios where your child has to ask for permission—like wanting to go to a friend’s house or asking if they can participate in an after-school activity. Practice makes perfect!

  6. Respecting the Response: Teach your child that once they ask for permission, it’s important to listen carefully to the adult’s response. If they hear a “YES,” they can proceed. If they hear a “NO,” they should respect that decision.

Why Is This Important?

Getting permission is a vital skill that promotes safety and helps children learn to communicate effectively with the adult in charge. By encouraging your child to seek permission, you are not only protecting them but also helping them develop respect for authority figures and the understanding that asking questions is okay.

As you prepare for the school year, take the time to reinforce this lesson, ensuring your child understands the importance of engaging with the adults around them. With your guidance, they’ll navigate school with confidence and safety.

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