Summer Safety

Summer time is a great way to have outdoor fun but you need to stay safe. Two major concerns that happen when the sun is out is sunscreen, and staying cool. This article talks about sunscreen safety and how to stay cool.

On the market, there are over eight hundred different types of sunscreen, so knowing which ones to look for are key. Your first instinct may be to grab a very high SPF, but that comes at a cost. The high end SPF numbers such as 80 and above, are more likely to burn because they assume they are getting better and longer-lasting protection., and therefore are less likely to reapply throughout the day The best ones to go after the ones between SPF 30 and 50, as well as reapplying every few hours.

Now you know what SPF to go after, the next thing to keep in mind is spray on vs cream. Spray on ones can be risky because there is a tendency to apply less than creams. Another risk factor is that most people do not apply the sunscreen evenly on their body. Make sure to follow the instructions on both kinds of sunscreens to ensure the best protection possible. Pair that with protective clothing and you’ll be blocking harmful rays like a pro.

As for staying cool in the summer there is a few helpful tips to get you to be as cool as a cucumber. The first tip is to choose clothing that is breathable, such as lightweight cottons. This allows ventilation and airflow to your skin. Avoid tight fitting clothing for it will counteract the breathable clothing. If you feel like you are overheating, apply ice packs or cold compresses to pulse points at the wrists, neck, the inside part of your elbows, groin, ankles, and behind the knees to help cool down. If you are covered in sweat or still need to quickly cool off, a cold shower is a great way to lower the core body temperature, as well as get rid of all that sweat you have been building up.

It seems obvious that staying cool is essential, but sometimes we forget that there are serious consequences to overheating. Check out the chart below which explains the effects of heat exhaustion and heat stroke.



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