Out & About

Don't be scared, be prepared
It is fun and exciting to play outside with your friends and go visit new places. It is important to know the rules you need to follow when playing outside, walking to school, or going to a friend’s house. Talk to your parents and guardian about how far you can ride on your bike, where you can play around your house, and what time you need to come home. Don’t be scared to go outside and explore the world. Instead, Lil’ Iguana wants you to be prepared by remembering the lessons like Harm Alarm, Who’s a Stranger, and Run, Run, Run, Yell & Tell!
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Lesson Courses & Support
for grown-ups & kids
Lil’ Iguana offers personalized and group support for parents, educators, and providers. Dive into our courses designed to equip grown-ups with the tools to teach kids essential lessons and skills. Additionally, discover courses and instructions tailored just for kids to learn at their own pace, ensuring a fun and engaging learning experience!